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by Valentine Nana Simo

eBook: $2.99

Paperback: $7.99

Apart from the love of God, a mother's love is something everyone wishes for in this world. It is not a love that you need to earn, it is a love free from the rules of give and take and something that comes in a pure form of bliss. It is a form of love that cannot be substituted by any person, pet or thing. A person could never get the same level of unconditional love from a sibling, friend or spouse. Something’s in life could never be replaced because they are so priceless. A mother is at the top of that list! Any woman in this world who is a mother, grandmother, or great grandmother or thinking of becoming a mother should know that being a mother is a powerful and spiritual thing and my extremely powerful, simple, and extremely affordable book will show you various ways and the importance of your role as a mother that will help you know and appreciate yourself and your role more.

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Books: About


by Valentine Nana Simo

eBook: $2.99

Paperback: $7.99

In reality, Children grow up to be a lot more emotionally, psychologically, and mentally secure when they have had an involved father figure. They are more confident; they have better and fulfilling social connections and are much more comfortable to face the world. Another impactful part of the father-child relationship is the way in which fathers communicate with their kids. It is what shapes the social, emotional, psychological, and mental development of a child. The involvement and the love of a father in the life of a child is priceless beyond human imagination. Any man in this world who is a father, grandpa, or great grandpa or thinking of becoming a father should know that being a father is a powerful and spiritual thing beyond human understanding and my extremely powerful, simple, and extremely affordable book will show you various ways and the importance of your role as a father that will help you know and appreciate yourself and your role more.

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Books: About


by Valentine Nana Simo

eBook: $2.99

Paperback: $7.99

God has blessed us with numerous blessings in this world which sometimes we fail to realize because we're focused on our present need. The only way to communicate with him is to dial his phone number. As human beings we have phone numbers which we use to communicate with one another, but guess what God has a phone number too and his only phone number is prayer through the name of his son Jesus Christ. This book clearly explains different and extremely simple ways to communicate with him. Most people think that the only way to communicate with him is to go to church, which is definitely an excellent way to worship because he wants us to go to his house, that's why he clearly says in the 10 commandments to keep the Sabbath day holy, but my extremely powerful, simple, and extremely affordable book God's Phone Number will give you different simple and basic ways that you can use to worship and pray to your Almighty Father. Sooner or later he will answer. Sometimes he answers right away and sometimes he takes a while to answer for his own divine reason but just keep dialing and don't give up! 

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Books: About
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